A natural creative, innovative idealist, and balanced blend of right-brain/left-brain;

“I traveled the first 15 years of my professional career in various sales, marketing, market management, creative design, and event planning roles everywhere from Iowa to Boston, Las Vegas to San Diego, Nashville to Texas.

I was definitely the kid who always asked “why” and never took anything for face value. My professional approach spares no exception to this insatiable curiosity and I found passion in dissecting the variables in the failures and successes all around me.

With an educational background in business marketing, I learned the “textbook” approach to connecting emotion to action. As a naturally creative person, it would at times, seem generic and process-driven; but, in the process (you see what I did there), I became slightly obsessed with the psychology behind what drives perception and preference. So, in true Amber fashion, I started analyzing experiences and how each variable uniquely connects to human perception.

“It only takes one spark…to start a wildfire.